Saturday 1 August 2015

Canadian Club Small Batch Classic 12

Let's review something shit.

Of course, there were no expectations of this. Even though it's labelled as something sort of special, apart from your normal Canadian club. This so called Small Batch Classic 12 is pretty damn boring. Smelled the cork and couldn't smell anything. There's maybe something in the nose, maybe watered down brown sugar, but it is not very exciting. Again, a bit of watered down sugary palette but little else. Nothing as far as finish.

If you don't like whisky, have no interest in whisky and all its beauty, but need to drink whisky for some reason, then this should be your go to pick.

It's bland and boring. But...hey... it's inexpensive! Drink enough of it and it'll fuck you up. That should be the only reason for drinking this.

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